The Bulletin of the World Health Organization is published monthly in English, with French and Spanish summaries for each article by the World Health Organization (WHO). Established for more than 50 years as a leading research journal, the Bulletin of the World Health Organization was expanded in 1999. In line with sweeping changes preparing WHO for the new century, the Bulletin quickened its pace of publication and extended its editorial scope. Contributions from the social and behavioural sciences added to extend the journal's traditional coverage of biomedical and scientific research. Support from a prestigious Editorial Board, as well as from an extensive group of reviewers, has raised the standards of manuscript appraisal and acceptance even higher. By placing research findings and policy-relevant discussions side by side, the Bulletin aims to stimulate debate on public health policy and practice based on the best evidence available, while also encouraging closer links between scientific investigation and the challenge of helping populations to lead healthier lives. In selecting articles for publication, the editors continue to give priority to original findings that advance understanding of health problems - and ways to solve them - in a world where health concerns every country, and diseases respect no boundaries. Its abbreviated title, Bull World Health Organ, should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.
Health Research Policy and Systems considers manuscripts that investigate the role of evidence-based health policy and health research systems in ensuring the efficient utilization and application of knowledge to improve health and health equity, especially in developing countries. Health Research Policy and Systems is published in collaboration with the World Health Organization.
Human Resources for Health is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of planning, producing and managing human resources for health.