Darwiniana is a half-yearly botanic publication of the Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, (CONICET-ANCEFN). Its mission is to publish original scientific papers and reviews from different areas of plant science with the exception of those which are agronomical or applied botanical research (of direct transfer). Main articles are usually included in the following sections: Archeobotany and Ethnobotany, Reproductive biology, Ecology and Phytogeography, Structure and Development, Genetics, Systematics and Taxonomy of Nonvascular Plants, and Systematics and Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. The Editorial Board may publish book reviews, obituaries, communications to the subscribers, and the instructions to authors in the section "Miscellany".The editing process includes 4 main succesive steps: 1) a preliminary evaluation of the article; 2) a peer review made by two or three independent reviewers not belonging to the Darwiniana Editorial Board; 3) the style corrections; and 4) correction of print proofs. .