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Atmospheric Science Letters

eISSN: 1530-261X

Atmospheric Science Letters (ASL) is a wholly electronic journal. Its aim is to provide a fully peer reviewed publication route for new shorter contributions in the field of atmospheric and closely related sciences. Through its ability to publish shorter contributions more rapidly than conventional journals, ASL offers a framework that promotes new understanding and creates scientific debate - providing a platform for discussing scientific issues and techniques.We encourage the presentation of multi-disciplinary work and contributions that utilise ideas and techniques from parallel areas. We particularly welcome contributions that maximise the visualisation capabilities offered by a purely on-line journal. ASL welcomes papers in the fields of: Dynamical meteorology Ocean-atmosphere systems Climate change, variability and impacts New or improved observations from instrumentation Hydrometeorology Numerical weather prediction Data assimilation Physical processes of the atmosphere Land surface-atmosphere systemsAlthough the main part of the journal is its fully peer-reviewed research articles, ASL also has sections related to articles of general interest, scientific meetings reports, book reviews, news and events. Submissions in all of these areas are welcomed by the Editorial team.

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Climate Resilience and Sustainability

eISSN: 2692-4587
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Geoscience Data Journal

eISSN: 2049-6060

Geoscience Data Journal provides an Open Access platform where scientific data can be formally published, in a way that includes scientific peer-review. Thus the dataset creator attains full credit for their efforts, while also improving the scientific record, providing version control for the community and allowing major datasets to be fully described, cited and discovered. Keywords: geoscience, weather, climate, atmosphere, cryoshere, bioshpere

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International Journal of Climatology

ISSN: 0899-8418eISSN: 1097-0088

The International Journal of Climatology aims to span the well established but rapidly growing field of climatology, through the publication of research papers, major reviews of progress and reviews of new books and reports in the area of climate science. The Journal's main role is to stimulate and report research in climatology, from the expansive fields of the atmospheric, biophysical, engineering and social sciences. Coverage includes:

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Meteorological Applications

ISSN: 1350-4827eISSN: 1469-8080

The aim of Meteorological Applications is to serve the needs of applied meteorologists, forecasters and users of meteorological services by publishing papers on all aspects of meteorological science, including:

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Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

ISSN: 0035-9009eISSN: 1477-870X

The Quarterly Journal is acknowledged as one of the world's leading meteorological journals and contains papers, notes and correspondence by leading meteorologists presenting the results of their research. This includes original research in the atmospheric sciences, applied meteorology and physical oceanography in a journal which is published eight times a year with additional special issues. Comprehensive review articles, short articles describing minor investigations, or comments on published papers are also considered.

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ISSN: 0043-1656eISSN: 1477-8696

The aim of Weather is to act as a bridge between the interests of those having a professional and a general interest in the weather, as well as between meteorologists and others working in related sciences such as climatology, hydrology and geography. Articles and regular features are written for a wide range of readers, from professional meteorologists to amateur weather observers. While technical language and mathematical content are kept to a minimum, Weather also seeks to inform and to give readers an opportunity to update their subject knowledge. Weather is also the 'house journal' of the Society and seeks to keep the reader up-to-date with Society news and includes meeting and conference reports, a Readers' Forum series and occasional Viewpoint articles. Photographs of weather events are an important feature of the journal and the Weather Image feature provides an opportunity to analyse a satellite image or photograph. Weather Log is a summary of the weather of each month by means of meteorological data and weather maps.

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