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Stability: International Journal of Security & Development

eISSN: 2165-2627

Stability helps to connect policymakers, practitioners, academics and others with timely, peer-reviewed research on a wide range of issues related to stabilization, peacekeeping, state building, crime and violence prevention, development cooperation and humanitarian action. All articles, commentaries and practice notes published by Stability are freely accessible and widely disseminated in academic, policy and practitioner networks. Stability is dedicated to providing a vehicle for academics and researchers based in fragile, failed and conflict-affected states (FFCAS) to publish their work.

Stability is the flagship publication of the Centre for Security Governance (CSG), a non-profit think tank dedicated to the study of security and governance transitions in FFCAS. Based in Canada, the CSG maintains a global, multi-disciplinary network of researchers, practitioners and academics engaged in international security and development issues. The CSG’s core mission is to enhance the efficacy of donor assistance and support to FFCAS through world-class research.

Stability not only features evidence-based research and analysis but also promotes a more timely and responsive model of publishing – one which ensures that individuals in violence-affected and transitional contexts have an opportunity not only to read our content but also to submit articles for consideration by our expert pool of peer reviewers. For more information regarding Stability, visit the ABOUT page.

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