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Electronic Communications in Probability

eISSN: 1083-589X

The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) is Scotland's National Academy.  Its mission is to advance learning and useful knowledge and by doing so it supports the cultural, economic and social well-being of Scotland and its people.  It is not influenced by causes promoted by others and is an important source of independent expertise across the whole range of intellectual, business and public life in Scotland.

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Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics

ISSN: 1061-8600eISSN: 1537-2715

Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics works to improve and extend the use of computational and graphical methods in statistics and data analysis. Established in 1992, JCGS contains cutting-edge research, data, surveys, and more on numerical methods, graphical displays and methods, and perception. Articles are written for readers who have a strong background in statistics, but are not necessarily experts in computing.

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Probability Theory and Related Fields

ISSN: 0178-8051eISSN: 1432-2064

This journal publishes research papers in modern probability theory, its relations to analysis, geometry and other areas in mathematics, and its various fields of application. It also contains survey papers on emerging areas of importance. The subjects covered in Probability Theory and Related Fields include: statistical mechanics, ergodic theory, mathematical biology, filtering theory, mathematical statistics, theoretical computer science, optimization and control, stochastic geometry, and stochastic algorithms.

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Statistical Science

ISSN: 0883-4237
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The Annals of Applied Probability

ISSN: 1050-5164

The Annals of Applied Probability aims to publish research of the highest quality reflecting the varied facets of contemporary Applied Probability. Primary emphasis is placed on importance and originality.

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The Annals of Applied Statistics

ISSN: 1932-6157eISSN: 1941-7330

Statistical research spans an enormous range from direct subject-matter collaborations to pure mathematical theory. The Annals of Applied Statistics, the newest journal from the IMS, is aimed at papers in the applied half of this range. Published quarterly in both print and electronic form, our goal is to provide a timely and unified forum for all areas of applied statistics.

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The Annals of Probability

ISSN: 0091-1798

The Annals of Probability publishes research papers in modern probability theory, its relations to other areas of mathematics, and its applications in the physical and biological sciences. Emphasis is on importance, interest, and originality - formal novelty and correctness are not sufficient for publication. The Annals will also publish authoritative review papers and surveys of areas in vigorous development.

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The Annals of Statistics

ISSN: 0090-5364

The Annals of Statistics aim to publish research papers of highest quality reflecting the many facets of contemporary statistics. Primary emphasis is placed on importance and originality, not on formalism. The journal aims to cover all areas of statistics, especially mathematical statistics and applied & interdisciplinary statistics. Of course many of the best papers will touch on more than one of these general areas, because the discipline of statistics has deep roots in mathematics, and in substantive scientific fields.Mathematical StatisticsMathematics provides the language in which models, the properties of statistical methods and computation algorithms are formulated. It is essential for rigor, coherence, clarity and understanding. Consequently, our policy is to continue to play a special role in presenting research at the forefront of mathematical statistics, especially theoretical advances that are likely to have a significant impact on statistical methodology, computation or understanding.Applied and Interdisciplinary StatisticsSubstantive fields are essential for continued vitality of statistics since they provide the motivation and direction for most of the future developments in statistics. We thus intend to publish papers relating to the role of statistics in interdisciplinary investigations in all fields of natural, medical, technical and social science.

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