The KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS.ISO Abbreviation: KSII T Internet Info) is online scholarly journal indexed in SCIE (Thomson Reuters) and SCOPUS (Elsevier) and published by KSII and supported by KETI. The TIIS Journal has been published since Dec., 2007 The Transactions is published every month.This is an Open-Access journal. The Transactions is designed to allow readers to obtain the most state of the art in a number of focusing areas related to wired & wireless internet and information systems. The technologies and applications of IT are very rapidly changing and updating. Thus quick publication and distribution to researchers, developers, deployment engineers, technical managers, and educators are crucial. Our most important aim is to publish the accepted papers quickly after receiving the manuscript. The Transactions consists of regular and special issue papers. The papers are strictly peer-reviewed. Both theoretical and practical contributions are encouraged.