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Revista de la Educación Superior

ISSN: 0185-2760eISSN: 2395-9037

RESU publishes original, scholarly articles about higher education in Mexico, while also focusing on broader international issues and debates. Its readers include administrators and researchers interested in the areas of educational planning, evaluation and management. RESU publishes scholarly articles, academic essays and critical reviews, all of which seek to contribute to readers' conceptual and analytical foundations, while furthering their knowledge of the challenges faced by higher education institutions, both at home and abroad.

Main topics of interest
RESU publishes articles about the performance of higher education institutions, their structures, the main players involved, and the challenges they face, viewed from both disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Articles may involve particular case studies or employ a comparative approach, in order to promote an informed debate on the most relevant issues facing higher education today. RESU also seeks to publish articles that provide critical analysis of the concepts, assumptions and paradigms that constitute higher education studies, as well as promote discussion of new approaches and concepts that may strengthen the field.

Through its broad perspective and the quality of its articles, RESU seeks to transcend the analysis of individual institutions or programs, in order to appeal to the greatest number of potential readers. In light of the vastness of the field of higher education studies, RESU gives priority to articles on the following topics:

  • Strategic problems in higher education; educational policy; and the main functions of higher education institutions and systems, of all types and models.
  • Works about the key players in higher education -scholars, students and administrators- as well as external groups that exert influence or pursue interests in the field.
  • Historical or philosophical studies that contribute to contemporary perspectives on higher education.
  • Texts on any of the topics described above, regarding higher education institutions and systems in Latin America or in other regions.

RESU does not publish articles on specific pedagogical aspects, didactic experiences, work inside the classroom, curricular design, or theoretical reflections that do not directly pertain to higher education. Exceptions may be made in cases in which the central arguments of the text directly relate to the main topics covered by the journal.

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